If you live in a place with relatively cold winters, you’ve probably been looking forward to summer for months. I know we have! Finally, we can smell summer. It’s just around the corner. How we know? Well, there are a couple of signs which say ‘summer is here!’
Long summer evenings
Whereas in winter going to bed early and binge-watching our latest Netflix find is our modus operandi, in summer we love watching the sun set and spending long nights on our roof terrace or in town.
Realizing at work that your hair smells like barbecue
Summer = barbecue. As soon as the first rays of sunshine hit our faces, we’re ready to light the BBQ. Love it! But, sometimes we forget the smell of the barbecue and how it affects our clothes or our hair. So, if you’re at work and smell barbecue, check your hair 😉.
So much more time with friends! Chilling, sipping our favourite drink, having long conversations and daydreaming together. Can it be summer every day?
Whether you’re single and ready to mingle or in a relationship, love is definitely in the air. Everyone looks more attractive when the sun is out!
Festival season is on
Have you been counting down the days too? Dancing, music, food trucks, good times. Yes, festival season has definitely begun!

Making plans
Whether it’s planning get togethers or parties or making plans for your career, summer is a good time to reflect, feel inspired and make plans.
Flip flops
We love wearing them, the flopping sound they make reminds us of summer. Just, preferably don’t wear them to work. Unless you work as a lifeguard.
Paddle ball, beach volleyball, rollerblading, running, swimming. So much fun in good weather!

You’ll find sand everywhere. In your house, in your bed, on your body.
It’s the season
Parties, weddings, festive season has started!
Summer holidays
If you have summer holidays planned, start counting down! Nothing planned? Why not fly to a destination within an hour’s reach with a group of friends? Summer vibes only!
All of our favourites are here: strawberries, raspberries, melon, pineapple. Yum!
Quality time with family and friends, me-time or just finish reading that novel you’ve been looking forward to. Just enjoy the moment!